
Nature's inspiration

One of the great things to come out of lockdown (and a reasonably mild winter) has been seeing so many people getting out and exploring their local trails. Here at the nursery we’re surrounded by both Heathcote and the Royal National Parks so we’ve been spoilt for choice when it comes to seeking out the best wildflowers of the season. 

Some of our favourites currently in bloom are Banksia ericifolia, Boronia serulata, Correa reflexa, Darwinia fascicularis, Dilwinia retorta, Epacris longiflora, Eriostemon australasius, Grevillea buxifolia, Isopogon anemonifolius, Kennedia rubicunda, Leptospermum laevigatum, Pimelea, Rhinocarpus pinifolius and Telopea speciosissima. Many of these are currently in stock in our nursery – or if not our qualified staff can make substitution recommendations for you – so make sure you get yours and bring a bit of the bush home with you!

Walking your local trails, or even just through your neighbourhood, is a fantastic way to get an idea of what grows best in your area. Take inspiration from the bush, local parks or even your neighbours – see what is thriving, discover something new, look at how the plants work together in layers from the canopy right down to the grasses and ground covers.


Since 1983, the Sydney Wildflower Nursery at Heathcote has been providing residents and visitors from around Australia with quality native Australian plants.

Supplying plants for jobs big and small we pride ourselves on our knowledge, passion and extensive range of beautiful and unusual Australian native trees, shrubs and wildflowers.


9 Veno Street, Heathcote, NSW, 2233

Ph: 02 9548 2818
